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Dear agricultural producers and processors, 

Dear representatives of the local authorities,

Dear partners,

In the heading "Rural Development Programme", in sub-headings "Announcements, invitations and documents" and "Regulations published in the State Gazette" texts have been presented of regulations on the terms and order of providing financial grants published in the State Gazette and the announcements and the invitations for applying under project proposals relating to the measures under the Program for development of the agricultural regions for the period 2007 - 2013."

Dear representatives of the local authorities,

Dear partners,

In the heading "Rural Development Programme", in sub-headings "Announcements, invitations and documents" and "Regulations published in the State Gazette" texts have been presented of regulations on the terms and order of providing financial grants published in the State Gazette and the announcements and the invitations for applying under project proposals relating to the measures under the Program for development of the agricultural regions for the period 2007 - 2013."


Presentations from the Fourth International Conference on the LEADER/CLLD Approach was held in the city of Pravets In the period 10-12 October, 2017

Министерството на земеделието, храните и горите съвместно с Асоциация „Българска национална Лидер мрежа“ организираха Международна конференция по подхода ЛИДЕР/ВОМР, която се състоя в гр. Правец. Конференцията бе посветена на 10-годишнината от прилагането на подхода ЛИДЕР/Водено от общностите местно развитие в България. Във форума взеха участие 225 представители на управляващи органи, разплащателни агенции, местни инициативни групи, Национални селски мрежи и ЛИДЕР асоциации от 18 държави от Европейския съюз и трети страни.
ZIP file, 24.1 MB, uploaded on 19.10.2017 zip document