The National Plant Protection Service is a legal entity, a secondary level budget institution to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food responsible for the implementation of control and executive functions under the Law on protection of plants.
The National Plant Protection Service consists of a headquarters centre, 14 regional offices for plant protection across the entire country, Central Laboratory of Plant Quarantine, Central Laboratory for Chemical Testing and Control and the Institute of Plant Protection.
The Central Laboratory of Plant Quarantine conducts analyses for quarantine pests and provides a methodological guide for plant laboratories in the regional offices for plant protection.
The Central Laboratory for Chemical Testing and Control controls the crop production for the content of harmful chemical substances and the quality of chemicals used in agriculture.
The Institute of Plant Protection is a scientific and research institute, which adds to the control functions of the National Plant Protection Service with its scientific expertise.
The main activity of the National Plant Protection Service lies in the protection of the country and Europe against any trans-border spread of quarantine pests, ensuring the safety of food of plant origin, limited use of Plant Protection Products, which bear a certain risk to humans, animals and the environment, through a system of checks and monitoring in pursuance of European Union and international standards and regulations, while applying the scientific potential in the field of technology and the methods of pest risk analysis.
The main purpose of its activities is that only officially authorized plant protection products reach the market:
The activity is carried out by the Department of Plant Protection Products in pursuance of the provisions of Plant Protection Act. The department has the following main priorities:
Organization of activities for surveillance, diagnosis, prognosis and signaling of economically important pests on agricultural crops.
Ensuring the production of clean plants and plant materials, protection of human health and the environment from pollution by Plant Protection Products, through the control of plant protection products and fertilizers placed on the market, their use in the country and monitoring of pesticide residues in soil and agricultural produce.
Maintaining a network for monitoring and diagnostic system to alert the development and dissemination of important economic pests to protect agricultural crops, conservation of biodiversity in agrocenoses, and keeps the crop production and the soil from pollution.
Ensuring the production of clean plants and plant materials, protection of human health and the environment from pollution by Plant Protection Products, through the control of plant protection products and fertilizers placed on the market, their use in the country and monitoring of pesticide residues in soil and agricultural produce.
1. Organization of activities for surveillance, diagnosis, prognosis and signaling of economically important pests on agricultural crops.
2. Development and implementation of monitoring programmes on the combat against and the dissemination of economically important pests in the country.
3. Development and implementation of geographical information systems for evaluation, analysis and risk management of economically important pests on agricultural crops.
4. Preparation of newsletters and other tools and materials for disclosure to farmers and the public about the occurrence, distribution and implementation of pest combat.
5. Conducting of training and supervision of farmers for the implementation of the requirements of "good plant protection practice" in crops.
6. Draw up a list of bio-agents being introduced and implemented in the country.
7. Development of programmes, implementation of guidelines and control on the manufacture of integrated products.
8. Development of regulations on the market placement and use of Plant Protection Products and fertilizers.
9. Registration of fertilizers, soil and growing environments;
10. Organization of:
11. Control on:
12. Execution of all activities in the settlement of trade in Plant Protection Products.
13. Development and implementation of monitoring programmes related to implementation of good agricultural practice.
14. Issue of permits for use of sludge from wastewater treatment plants for agriculture;
Responsible for protecting the territory of the country against the introduction and spread of quarantine pests and ensures the export of plants and plant products under the phytosanitary requirements of the importing country in accordance with international law provisions in this area.
1. Brief description of activities in the field of plant control. Border plant / quarantine / import control of plants and plant products for Bulgaria and EU member states, in accordance with European standards and Directives 2000/29, 98/22, etc.
2. Phytosanitary control on the production of plants and plant products and effective monitoring throughout the country in terms of quarantine pests in plants and plant products under the provisions of EU Directive 2000/29, Decree № 1 for Phytosanitary control and the Law on Plant Protection.
3. Providing export of plants and plant products under the phytosanitary requirements of import countries.
4. Development and implementation of plant health monitoring programs in different plant species to identify and prevent promptly the spread of quarantine pests in Bulgaria and the EU fully comply with EU directives.
5. Building and strengthening laboratory diagnostic network for diagnostics and identification of quarantine pests.
6. Exchange of information and data through the EU "EUROFIT" network for the rapid exchange of information on outbreaks in quarantine pests or pests captured on external EU borders.
Important information for importers and exporters under Standard 15: Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade.
After the date of accession of Bulgaria to the European Union - on 01.01.2007, Bulgaria became a full-fledged member country and the movement of goods within the EU, it is not required to be transported in wooden packing material that shall be treated and marked in accordance with Standard 15 due to internal movement within the European Community. Appropriate treatment and marking of wood packaging material is required only if the export and import in Bulgaria in trade with third countries.
All the details related to the activities of The National Plant Protection Service can be found at the site of The National Plant Protection Service at:
Важна информация за вносители и износители относно Стандарт 15: Указания за регулиране на дървен опаковъчен материал в международната търговия
След датата на присъединяване на страната ни към Европейския съюз - 1.01.2007 г., България става със статут страна членка и при движение на стоки в рамките на ЕС транспортирани с дървен опаковъчен материал не се изисква той да бъде третиран и маркиран съгласно изискванията на стандарт 15 поради вътрешно движение в Европейската общност. Обработка и съответна маркировка на дървен опаковъчен материал се изисква само в случай при износ и внос в България при търговия с трети страни.
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