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State Fund Agriculture has processed the first batch of loan applications by beneficiaries with approved projects under the National Beekeeping Programme (NBP) 2011-2013.

The money is expected to be in applicants’ bank accounts by the end of the week.

Eligible for financing are beneficiaries with projects under measures D and C of the Programme: purchase of new hives, open colonies, layers, and varroasis prevention products.

The loans are provided directly by SFA and come with an annual interest rate of 6%. They cover up to 75% of the approved project cost. The application deadline is set at July 31, 2013, with applications accepted at the SFA regional directorates.

The scheme was kicked off last year, when 141 financing contracts were signed for a combined amount of BGN 932, 889. SFA anticipates an even keener interest this year.

Further details and application papers are available on the SFA website at

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