One of the priorities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is to apply the achievements of the Agricultural Science and thus making decisions on the matters the farmers are faced with. This is what the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Kiril Vatev said, who took part in the Scientific Session of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where the Report on Problems and Guidelines for Sustainable Development of the Agricultural and Forestry Sectors in the Republic of Bulgaria was presented.
“It is time to start a public discussion to demonstrate that, agriculture is an industry of priority not only when speaking, it should become a national priority”, this is what acad. Atanas Atanasov stated whilst presenting the Report.
The Report states the current issues related to agricultural development in Bulgaria, worldwide, the increasing importance of the Sector for the remaining industries, and for meeting the food needs of the world population, its role in the management of various crises and conflicts.
“In view of today and tomorrow, Bulgaria has two equally important priorities to fulfil: energy security and sovereignty, food safety and sovereignty”, Atanasov said.
He emphasised that, the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), since 2003 has been faced with two challenges: on the one side – how to create highly productive and efficient agriculture, and on the other side – how to make it sustainable, ecological and multifunctional, and last but not least, competitive on the international market. The Report provided a prognosis of influence of the European Green Deal on the Agricultural Sector under conditions of increased competitors and the current market challenges.
Acad. Atanasov pointed out that, Bulgaria has a particularly advantageous combination of soil and climatic conditions and abundant water resources, which makes the country exceptionally suitable for both conventional, and organic farming, which in perspective – gives the small farmers a big chance, including when combined with tourist services.
Within the frames of the scientific session, Aleksandar Aleksandrov talked about the state of the Forest Sector, whereas he emphasised on the economic and social importance of the forest ecosystems.
As a conclusion, Minister Kiril Vatev stated that, Ministry of Agriculture and Food relies on the Agricultural Science for finding solutions on a number of issues, e.g., irrigation, increase in production and development of market oriented and competitive farming.