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It is important for the interventions in the Agricultural Sector to be well grounded on the basis of market analysis, the Minister of Agriculture and Food stated

All proposed changes in the Strategic Plan are towards increase of the Bulgarian production, and we have arguments against each digit. This is what the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Kiril Vatev said before the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Draft project was submitted before the Committee concerning re-distribution of the funds intended for interventions in the Strategic Plan for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Bulgaria for the period 2023 – 2027. The drawing up of the draft project was assigned on the basis of a decision of the National Assembly.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Ministers of Agriculture and Food Tanya Georgieva and Aleksandar Iotsev.

Minister Vatev emphasised on the importance of the interventions in the Agricultural Sector and that they must be well grounded on the basis of market analysis, whereas the focus should be the production of an end product, not only the subsidies.


The Experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food informed the MPs that, at the time of making the changes, preserving balance between ecological ambition and food security was taken into account, whereas the major changes in the businesses that have occurred have also been reported, as well as the analysis data from Campaign 2023, and the filed opinions and proposals of the professional organisations in the Agricultural Sector, and other interested parties.

Following the Campaign 2023 Analysis, the interventions have been updated, in terms of direct payments, whereas as to the echo schemes – the most interest by the side of the farmers – was shown in encouraging green manure to reduce the use of pesticides, thus the budgets and admissible allowances for support have been increased.

As to production-related support of income, by decision of the Monitoring Committee, the sectoral support will be removed within the Buffalo Farming Sector, in order to encourage production of milk and meat, increasing efficiency and modernisation, as well as small farms cooperation.

As to Fruits and Vegetable Sector, the requirement for Agriculturist Certification on bearing of permanent crops remains, as applied for support under the intervention.

Support for plums and dessert grapes has been equalled with the remaining cultures within the frames of the intervention, whereas sectoral support shall be introduced, related to production-related support for fruits. Potatoes production-related support will be as follows, Starch and Seed Production.

As to production-related support of income in relation to greenhouse production, the rates have been differentiated, as well as manufacturing in heated and unheated greenhouses.

As proposed by the managing authority, part of the interventions have been updated, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in obligations in the field of environment and climate, and other obligations in the field of management, humane treatment of animals and antimicrobial resistance.

Part of the interventions for rural development in investments and production and processing have been updated in order to increase competitiveness and efficiency of undertakings.

Humane treatment of animal’s budget is increased. For the first time, support for new farmers entering the Agricultural Sector is implemented.

The starting aid allowance for Young Farmers is significantly increased in order to attract young people in the agriculture and to stimulate them to remain in the sector.

The changes in the Strategic Plan affects the Standards for Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions 4, 5 and 6 in response to the signals by the farmers concerning having troubles complying with them, whereas three of the standards for good agricultural and environmental conditions have been agreed upon with all professional organisations in the sector.

As a result of the debate, the Committee reached an agreement to refine some of the changes.

We hereby remind you that, during the process of the amendment of the strategic document, the management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has informed in detail the professional organisations from the Crop Production and Livestock Breeding Sectors within the period 11 – 12 September, and the farmers submitted their proposals. The amendments have been examined by the Monitoring Committee on 18 September and the Managing Authority of the Strategic Plan is preparing the written agreement process on approval of the final changes in the interventions by the members of the Monitoring Committee.


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