The European Commission presented the transitional rules for the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020. This happened during the meetings of the Special Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Agriculture in the European Parliament. The proposal is for a transitional period of one year, the framework being largely based on existing rules but allowing for the use of budget funds for the next period. The objective is to ensure continuity and security of support for European farmers for 2021.
With regard to direct payments, an option is foreseen for Member States to continue the internal convergence process beyond 2019. The proposal for a transitional period provides for continuation of SAPS payments, as well as other schemes financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF).The European Commission proposes to end transitional national aid schemes, explaining it with the transitional nature of the schemes by the end of 2020.
Bulgaria objected to the proposal to abolish transitional national aid in the transitional provisions. Our country is strongly in favour of maintaining the implementation of transitional national aid at levels not lower than 2020.
With regard to the Rural Development Program, it is possible to extend the current programming period 2014-2020 by one year in accordance with the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027.This ensures that multiannual commitments from the current programming period can continue into the new programming period.
The transitional rules should be approved in the framework of a co-legislative procedure, which is expected to continue until the summer of 2020 with a technical review in Council working formats starting this week. The proposals will also be considered at the forthcoming meeting of the Council of Ministers of the European Union.