Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Rumen Porodzanov held a meeting with representatives of German media who are visiting Bulgaria in connection with the participation of Bulgaria as a partner country at the biggest agricultural exhibition in the world - Green Week in Berlin. During their trip they will visit wine cellars, dairies, rose distilleries, native fruit and vegetable growers.
Minister Porodzanov acquainted the journalists with the structure of the Ministry, stressing that it includes the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency and the management of the national forest and agricultural fund. He pointed out that participating in the "Green Week" in Berlin in January 2018 is a good start for the Bulgarian EU Council Presidency. According to the Agriculture Minister, the current structure of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) must be kept unchanged in the new programming period. "The CAP has proven its leading position in the development of the agricultural sector with its balanced approach and the combination of support tools for farmers of the first and second pillars", added Porodzanov.
During the meeting, the Minister familiarized German journalists with the preparation of our country for the Green Week 2018. As a partner country of the exhibition, Bulgaria will present itself with its own stand of 1,600 square meters. It will include milk and meat products, wines, honey and rose products, etc. Minister Porodzanov highlighted that this is a good opportunity for Bulgarian producers to win new market positions for their products.
In response to a request, the Minister of Agriculture acquainted journalists with the implementation of the Direct Payments Scheme, policies for investment and support for farmers and the agricultural land market in Bulgaria.