"There is a positive trend in the export of Bulgarian agricultural commodities. Exports for 2018 reach EUR 4.3 billion, an increase of 4% compared to 2017."This was announced by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Dessislava Taneva at an event for presenting results for export of Bulgarian products in the network of the international trade chain. She added that Bulgaria's trade with the EU represents 75% of the total trade in agricultural goods. Our country is in the top ten producers of cereals and industrial crops, accounting for almost 80% of the total grain yield. The highest growth in agricultural exports last year was recorded in vegetables. "Since we are exporting more agricultural produce to the EU in 2018 than we are importing from there, we are registering an increased positive trade balance of over EUR 600 million", explained the Minister of Agriculture.
According to her, growth is also reported in the export of value-added foods - meat and meat products, bread and bakeries, and poultry eggs. "I hope that in the new programming period we will find even better support tools to continue this trend", said Desislava Taneva explicitly.
The Minister of Agriculture emphasized that more and more consumers are looking for Bulgarian products and that a form has to be found that will support producers so that their products reach a wider group of people. "Programs for working with retail chains must be publicly available. MAFF will support awareness campaigns, electronic platforms or other types of information channels. The goal is for every manufacturer to have equal access to the consumer through the chains”, Minister Taneva added.