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We will work for the normal functioning of the branch, relying on the expertise and have zero tolerance towards corruption. That was what said the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Prof. Dr. Hristo Bozukov during a meeting with the secondary spending units within the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.

"We will be uncompromising. Our priority is the sector to continue its normal function without any shocks. There is no revanchism, there will be none. Anyone who performs his duties has no reason to worry ", he was categorical.

The Minister added that the forthcoming payments for the agri sector will be paid without delay, meeting the deadlines.

Prof. Bozukov requested to be provided with reports on the implementation of the budgetary frameworks of the secondary spending units for 2021, as well as information from the directors on the most pressing operational actions and problems their structures are facing. The Minister of Agriculture instructed each of them to submit proposals under the National Plan for Restoration and Sustainability in the area of ​​agriculture. The aim is to optimize the distribution of funds. The proposals should be reasoned and in line with the EU Green Deal.

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