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“Apiculture is an important sector for Bulgarian agriculture because it offers excellent employment opportunities in all regions of the country”. This statement was made by agriculture and food deputy-minister Yavor Gechev at a meeting with protesting bee-keepers. “We plan to have a separate scheme for apiculture in the new Rural Development Programme under the measure “Agricultural Ecology”, which will provide another opportunity for subsidizing the sector”, added the deputy-minister.


The Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 will contain an independent sub-programme for small farms and farmers, under which bee-keepers can also be beneficiaries. During the next programming period they will have again the opportunity to continue applying under the measure for young farmers. Moreover, the next three-year National Apiculture Programme, under which there will be five assistance measures, is to be soon launched.


To continue the dialogue between the representatives of the sector and MoAF, a meeting was scheduled for the last week of November.

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