Information of the harvested area of wheat and barley as of July 13, 2015 were presented during the meeting of the Council. Harvested areas of wheat are a little over 4.09 mln/ ha or 39.1% of sown areas. This is a 10.9 % less compared to 2014. s. The average yield amounted to 451 kg / ha, which is 5.6% more than last year. Barley harvest was completed on 1,592 mln/ha or 92.6% of sown areas. This is 15% less compared to the same period last year. The average yield is 417 kg / ha, which is 4.3% more than in 2014. The main reason for these results is due to the bad weather this year.
According to forecast data, it is expected wheat harvest in 2015 to be around 4.5 million tonnes, while that of barley about 700 000 tonnes. Chairman of the Advisory Council on Grain Ventsislav Varbanov commented that despite the bad weather conditions this year's harvest will be good. Product quality will be better than last year.