
National Veterinary Service
Bulgaria, Sofia - 1606, blv. "Pencho Slaveykov" №15A, phone number: +359 2 952-13-45, fax: +359 2 954-95-93
Executive Agency Hail Suppression
Bulgaria, Sofia - 1606, blv. "Hristo Botev" №17 , phone number: +359 2 9152 952; fax: +359 2 951 65 97; e-mail: agency@hailinfo.com
Executive Agency Fisheries and Aquacultures
Bulgaria, Sofia, blv. "Hristo Botev" №17 , phone numbers:+359 2 952 61 08, 951 65 68; fax: +359 2 951 57 18, е-mail: press@nafa-bg.org
Executive Agency Plant Variety Testing, Approbation and Seed Control
Bulgaria, Sofia, blv." Tsarigradsko shose" №125 , phone number/fax:+ 359 2 70 65 17, e-mail: gias@itp.bg
Agency for Technical Control
Bulgaria, Sofia - 1000, blv. "Hristo Botev" №17 , phone number :+ 359 2 953-36-38; 953-36-53; fax:+ 359 2 954-98-71
National Service for Plant Protection, Quarantine and Agrochemistry
Bulgaria, Sofia, blv. "Hristo Botev" №17 , phone number:+ 359 2 9173-702; 953-41-16; phone number/fax:+ 359 2 952-09-87
e-mail: prong@mbox.infotel.bg

Fund Tobacco
Bulgaria, Sofia - 1000, str. "Lavele" №16 , phone number/fax: + 359 986 77 63,
e-mail: tobacco_fund@abv.bg"
National Grain and Feed Service
Bulgaria, Sofia, blv. "Vitosha" №15 , phone number/fax:+ 359 2 980 58 31 (32),
e-mail: nszf@nszf.bg
Agricultural Academy
Bulgaria, Sofia - 1373, str"Suhodolska" №30 , phone number: +359 2 812-75-17, 812-75-18, 812-75-19;fax:+ 359 2 812-75-82
e-mail: aa@acad.bg
Executive Agency for Vines and Wine
Bulgaria, Sofia - 1113, blv. "Tsarigradsko shose" 125 , bl. 1, floar.3, phone number:+ 359 2 70-04-74, e-mail: sofia@eavw.com
National Agricultural Advisory Service
Bulgaria, Sofia - 1618, blv. "Tsar Boris III"130, phone number:+359 2 955 64 72, 955 64 73; fax: +359 2 955 63 17;
e-mail: office@naas.government.bg


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4, Vitosha bul.

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