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May 12, 2011

Minister Naydenov met with tobacco producers from Kardzhali District

Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Miroslav Naydenov met with tobacco producers from Kirkovo Municipality, Kardzhali District. The meeting took place at the initiative of Tsveta Karayancheva, MP of GERB and the Governor of  Kardzhali Ivanka Taushanova.

During the meeting Minister Naydenov presented the opportunity  for the employed in the sector to obtain national additional payments for tobacco amounting to BGN 70 million. The Minister added that the sum will be disbursed in two tranches -  BGN 35 million by the end of May 2011 and another BGN 35 million by the end of August 2011
He explained  that the distribution of funds  will be made according to the  tobacco varieties, as  for the producers of Basma varietal group 70% of the total sum is secured, which amounts to 2.06 BGN / kg, 10% for t Kaba Koulak varietal group, which amounts to BGN1.47 / kg and 20% for Burley and Virginia varieties, which is BGN 0.93 / kg.

Funds of the first tranche will be paid to all tobacco producers who applied for 2010 after the publication in the State Gazette. With this money they will be able to pay their obligations to the state treasury which is a necessary prerequisite to be able to get the second part of the money , pointed out  Minister Naydenov.
He urged manufacturers to be careful to which  purchase companies they sell tobacco because after the  market liberalization, they will get a  greater choice where to offer their products.

After a tour of the Municipal Agriculture Office, the Minister committed himself to allocate funds for  repair  of the buildings.

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